When people ask me what Matt thinks of little Nic, my standard response is that "Nic doesn't come with buttons that play music or flashing lights, so Matt is not that interested in him". In fact most of the time Nic is ignored by his older brother. Matt knows the signs for "baby", "brother", and "nic", but will not really initiate converstation about his sibling. When asked "What does Nic say?" (as opposed to "What does a cow say? or a pig? where Matt will imitate the sound) Matt's response is that "Nic cries".
Matt is however really interested in Nic during his bath time. He watches very carefully as dad dunks the little crying guy into the water.
Here is Matt overseeing Nic's first bath at home.
Matt hasn't missed any of Nic's bath times yet! When he is not checking out Nic swimming, Matt loves to screw the vaseline and aqueous cream lids on and off.