There is something about music that Matt is drawn to on a very deep level. Not just one type of music, but a whole variety. Music seems to help Matt consolidate a learning - often he will ask us to make up a song about a topic that he has just learnt about. After being very excited that there were words for dark and light, he looked at us and said SING DARK! This has happened for a number of topics - whether it is about camels, the park, helicopter or drums. Then Lloyd and I have to become very creative about making up song on the spur of the moment. And we are expected to remember the song for when we are requested to sing it again...and again...and again.
His enthusiasm for music and musical instruments has been a great motivator for learning. So we have created a reading book all about Matt's favourite musical instruments - of which there are many.
Currently the musical instrument which brings Matt the greatest joy is the guitar. He knows the difference between an acoustic and electric guitar. He as a toy version of each, and insists that both accompany him to bed every night. He was given a Something Special dvd which incorporates signing and kids with special needs. In one episode the main character Mr Tumble, plays the electric guitar. Well Matt is just brimming with excitement, and will jam along to the music.
The drum also has Matt's deep affections. He can make a drum out of most things - buckets, bowls, hats, lids and more. His birthday present djembe drum is still be best though - and produces such lovely sound if you beat it correctly. Matt tucks it under his arm and will happily drum away for a good half an hour, especially if we play his favourite marimba music in the background.
Matt is drawn to musical instruments like flies to sticky doughnuts. There has been many a Sunday morning when I have frantically searched for Matt after church. He loves disappearing up onto the stage where the guitars and drumkit are left after the worship. His ultimate treat is when he is allowed to sit on the drummer's stool and put some beats together on the BIG drums. In those moments wish I could capture the joy he exudes and store it in a bottle, and sniff on it when I am next feeling low or overwhelmed with life - it would surely revive the most sorrowful soul.
I think Matt definitely needs to join the drumming group at BH (if they still have it) next year, in fact I think seeing as you live so close to Beau Soleil maybe there is a percussion band there he could join... he really does love music, definitely something to follow up on:-)
Agree ... I was amazed when I saw Matt playing the drums and cymbals at your church recently. He seemed to be in his element sitting on the drummer's stool tapping the drums, then smoothly giving the cymbals a few taps, then returning to the drums etc. I had a feeling that if one had asked Matt what melody he was playing, it would be have been like asking a child "what is this picture suppose to be". The rhythm, the doing, the flowing with the sounds seemed far more important than "what tune" it was.
How wonderful that he creates such great music! Natalie loves to sing and will sing so many different is a great teacher for many!
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